Страница 1: ...airedor speechimpaired Mon Fri 8am SpmEastern Time Internet http www maytag com NOTE Inourcontinuing effortto improve the qualityof our appliances it may be necessary to makechangesto theappli ancewit...
Страница 2: ...GAS IS EXPLOSIVE Ifthe hot water sys tem has not been used for such a period before using a washing machine or combination washer dryer turn on all hot water faucets and let the water flow from each f...
Страница 3: ...three minutes of agitation before an extended soak Soak for 30 minutes or less WHITESis designed to clean underwear T shirtsand other cotton sturdy items like towels sheets jeans etc HEAVY 24 27 minu...
Страница 4: ...nse at the end of the cycle to more com pletely remove laundry additives suds pep fume etc AUTOTEMPERATURECONTROL select models assures a cold water wash of 75 F and warm water wash of 95 E This optio...
Страница 5: ...uid fabric softener at the proper time during the cycle To use follow these steps 1 Pour liquid fabric softener into the dis penser using the amount recommended on the package 2 Add warm water to the...
Страница 6: ...caping water Use a soft cloth to wipe up all detergent bleach or other spills as they occur Clean the following as recommended Control Panel clean with a soft damp cloth and glass cleaner Do not use a...
Страница 7: ...e control dial to proper cycle and pull dial out to start the washer If equipped with buttons be sure they are fully depressed Close lid and pull dial out to start the washer For your safety washerwil...
Страница 8: ...rchase WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY THESE WARRANTIES 1 Conditions and damages resultingfrom any of the following a Improper installation delivery or maintenance b Any repair modification alteration or adjus...
Страница 9: ...a 8 h heuredeI est Internet http www maytag com NOTE En raisonde noseffortsconstants d amelioration de la qualite de nos appareils electro menagers il se peut qu une machine a laver soit modifiee san...
Страница 10: ...faged eau qui n est pas utilise pendant 2 semaines ou plus L HY DROGENE EST UNEXPLOSIE Si votre systeme de chauffaged eau n est pas utilisesur unetelle duree ouvrirtousles robinetsd eau chaudeet laiss...
Страница 11: ...II est possible que ron entende ce changement de rythme Ceciest normal PRESOAK SOAK FF OFF RINSE OFFsPIN RINSE DEL1CATES HANDWASH PRESOAK pretrempage modelesselectionnes assureune periodedelavagetota...
Страница 12: ...mentaire est ajoute a la fin du cycleafind enleverpluscompletement lesaddi tifs pourlessive la mousse le parfum etc AUTOTEMPERATURE CONTROL contr61e automatique de la temperature modeles selectionnes...
Страница 13: ...tributeur dejavellisant Ce distributeur ajouterassouplissant liquideau momentvouludu cycle Pourrutiliser proceder commesuit 1 Verserrassouplissant liquidedansle distrib uteur en utilisantla quantitere...
Страница 14: ...sa unefuited eau aussiimprobable soit elle Utiliserun lingedoux pouressuyertout deter gent javellisantou autre des qu il se trouve r anduoueclabouss6 sur lamachine Nettoyer les el6mentssuivants tel qu...
Страница 15: ...ouveauSPIN essorage S ARRETE Mettrele selecteursur le cycle vouluet tirer dessuspourle mettreen positionde marche Si la machine est doteede touches s assurer qu ellessontpousseesafond Fermerle couverc...
Страница 16: ...llation livraisonouentretiendefectueux b Touter aration modification alterationou ajustementnon autorisepar le fabricantou unprestataire de serviceapres vente agree c Usageinapproprie abusif derasionn...
Страница 17: ...no quese indicaa continuaci6n Maytag Appliances Sales Company 1 800 688 9900 EE UU 1 800 688 2002 CANADA Delunesa viernes de las8 a m alas 8 p m horadelEste Internet http www maytag com DO VLIMPIEZA P...
Страница 18: ...OES EXPLOSIVO Si el sistemadel agua calienteno ha sido usado durante tal periodo antes de usar una lavadorao una combinaci6n de lavadoray secadora abratodaslas Ilavesdel aguacalientey deje queel agua...
Страница 19: ...ed puede oir este cambiode la veloci dad Estoes normal DELICATES HANDWASH PRESOAK remojo previo algunosmodelos permiteun totalde 33 minutosde tiempode lavado Los primeros12minutos son periodosde agita...
Страница 20: ...onaun enjuagueadicionalal final del cicloparaeliminarmascompletamente losadi tivosde lavado las espumas losperfumes etc AUTOTEMPERATURE CONTROL controlde temperaturaautomatica algunos modelos Garantiz...
Страница 21: ...entrodel surtidor Este surtidor automaticamente suelta el suavizantede telas liquido en el momento apropiado duranteel ciclo Parausarlo sigalos pasosa continuaci6n 1 Vierta el suavizantede telas liqui...
Страница 22: ...mpiarel detergente blanqueador u otrosderramestan prontoocur ran LimpieIosiguientesegtJn se recomienda Panelde Control limpielo con unpasosuave hOmedoo con limpiadorpara vidrio No use polvosni almohad...
Страница 23: ...rla ropa en la tina y coloquelaperillaencentrifugado SE DETIENE Gireeldiscoindicadordecontrolal ciclocor rectoy tirede la perilladecontrolparaarran car la lavadora Si la lavadoratiene botones asegQres...
Страница 24: ...ntes condiciones a Instalaci6n entregao mantenimiento inadecuados b Cualquierreparaci6n modificaci6n alteraci6n o ajustenoautorizado porelfabricanteo poruntecnicodeservicioautorizado c Usoinadecuado a...