Страница 1: ...speechimpaired Mon Fri 8am SpmEastern Time Internet http www maytag com NOTE In ourcontinuing effortto improve the qualityof our appliances it may be necessary to makechangesto theappli ancewithoutrevising thisguide IMPORTANT Keep this guide and the sales receiptin a safe place for future reference Proof of original purchase dateis neededfor warrantyservice IMPORTANT For serviceand warranty inform...
Страница 2: ...nation washer dryer turn on all hot water faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes This will release any accumulated hydrogen gas As the gas is flammable do not smoke or use an open flame during this time 7 Do not reach into the appliance if the tub or agitator is moving 8 Do not allow children or petsto play on in or in front of the appliance Close supervisionis necessarywhen ...
Страница 3: ...tes of wash time NORMAL 15 minutes of wash time LIGHT 9 minutes of wash SPIN EAVY W H T ES NORMAL P N HEAVY and NORMAL set tings on all cycles will change agitation speeds during the wash time You may hear this change in speed This is normal DE LICATES DELICATESis designed to clean items requiring a gentle wash action This would include blouses and dress shirts NORMAL 15 minutes of wash and soak c...
Страница 4: ...s Provides fast agitation and spin throughout the WHITES and COLORS cycles EXTRA RINSE Provides an additional rinse at the end of the cycle to more com pletely remove laundry additives suds per fume etc AUTO TEMPERATURECONTROL Select Models assuresa coldwaterwashof 750F and warm water wash of 950 R This option assures detergentwill dissolve and provide optimum cleaning results NORMAL RINSE Cancels...
Страница 5: ...fabric softener at the proper time during the cycle To use follow these steps 1 Pour liquid fabric softener into the dis penser using the amount recommended on the package 2 Add warm water to the dispenser until it reaches the MAX line Wipe up spills Do not stop the washer during the first spin This will cause the dispenser to empty too soon Never pour fabric softener directly on the load Itwill l...
Страница 6: ... the water supply to the washer and prevent the unlikelypossibilityof damagefrom escaping water Use a soft cloth to wipe up all detergent bleach or other spills as they occur Clean the following as recommended Control Panel clean with a soft damp cloth and glass cleaner Do not use abrasive powders or cleaning pads Cabinet clean with soap and water Interior hard water deposits may be removed if nee...
Страница 7: ... is designed to reduce spin speed if an unbalanced load is detected This is normal Redistribute the load in the tub and set the washer on SPIN STOPS Turn the control dial to proper cycle and pull dial out to start the washer If equipped with buttons be sure they are fully depressed Close lid and pull dial out to start the washer For your safety washer will not agitate or spin unless lid is closed ...
Страница 8: ... WARRAHTY SERVI E To locatean authorizedservice company inyour area contactthe Maytagdeal er from whom your appliancewas purchased or call MaytagAppliances Sales Company Maytag Customer Assistance at the number listed below Should you not receivesatisfactory warranty service please call or write Maytag Appliances Sales Company Attn CAIR_Center RO Box 2370 Cleveland TN 37320 2370 U S 1 800 688 9900...
Страница 9: ...tagAppliances SalesCompany 1 800 688 2002 CANADA Dulundiau vendredi 8 h a 8 h heurederest Internet http www maytag com NOTA Enraison denoseffortsconstants d amelioration de la qualite de nos appareils electro menagers il se peut qu une machinea laver soit modifiee sansquele guidesoitrevise IMPORTANT Conservezce guide et le couponde caissedartsun endroits_r t_ISAGE DE LA MACHINE Page 13 D APPELER L...
Страница 10: ...haudeet laissercouler reau pendant plusieursminutes avant d utiliservotremachinea laverou votre ensemble machine a laver secheuse Ceci elimine toute accumulationd hy drogene Ce gaz etant inflammable ne pasfumerni utiliserdeflammevivepen dantcesquelquesminutes Ne pas mettrela mainou le bras dans la machine si I agitateurou le baquet de lavageest en mouvement Ne pas permettreaux enfantsou aux ani ma...
Страница 11: ...sale 15 minutes delavage LIGHT linge peusale 9 minutesde lavage W H T E S NORMAL Les reglagesHEAVY lingetressale et NORMAL linge normalement sale changerontla vitesse d agitationpen dantla periodede lavagedu cycle quel quesoitle cycle II estpossiblequeI on entende la modification dartsle rythme de I agitation Ceciest normal HEAVY DELICATES DELICATES lingefragile convientauxarticlesquiexigentuneagi...
Страница 12: ...endantla totalite des cycles WHITES blanc et COLORS ouleurs EXTRA RINSE Rin age Supplementaire Unringagesupplementaire estajoute lafin du cycleafind enleverpluscompletement lesaddi tifs pourlessive la mousse le parfum etc AUTOTEMPERATURE CONTROL ContrGle Automatiquede la Temperature Modeles Selectionnes Assureunlavage reaufroide de240C 750F et I eauchaudede350C 950 F Cetteoption assureune bonnedil...
Страница 13: ...liquideau momentvouludu cycle PourI utiliser proceder commesuit 1 VerserI assouplissant liquidedansle distrib uteur en utilisantla quantiterecommandee sur I emballage 2 Mettre de I eau tiede dans le distributeur jusqu ace qu elleatteignele repereindique MAX Essuyerles eclaboussures Ne pas arr_terla machinedurantle pre mieressorage Ledistributeurse viderait trop t6t Nejamaisverserd assouplissant di...
Страница 14: ...une lois la lessive termineepour la journee pourevitertoutepossibilitede d6g_ts dQsa unefuited eau aussiimprobable soit elle Utiliserun lingedoux pouressuyertout deter gent javellisantou autre des qu il se trouve repandu ou eclabouss6 surla machine Nettoyer lesel6mentssuivantstel qu indique Tableau de commande Nettoyer avecunlinge doux et humideet du nettoyeurpourvitres Ne pasutiliserde poudresabr...
Страница 15: ...uniformement r artie Ceciestnormal Mieuxr artirlachargedanslacuveet selec tionnerdenouveauSPIN Essorage S ARRETE Mettrele selecteursur le cycle vouluet tirer dessuspourle mettreen positionde marche Si la machineestdoteede touches s assurer qu ellessontpoussees a fond Fermerle couvercleet tirer sur le selecteur Pourdesraisons des6curite I agitation et I es soragenefonctionnent pas si le couvercle e...
Страница 16: ...ie vousdonnedes droitsjuridiquesspecifiqueset vous pouvezegalement beneficier d autresdroitsquivarient d uneprovince I autre POUR OBTEHIR LBPRESTATIOHS DE GARAHTIE PourIocaliser uneentreprise deserviceapres vente agreeeMaytag dansvotreregion contacter leconcessionnaire MAYTAG OL_ lamachine aete achetee ouappelerMaytag Appliances SalesCompanyle service clients Maytag Si les prestations de garantie ...
Страница 17: ...no quase indicaa continuaci6n vI ItltPIEZA P_gina Maytag Appliances Sales Company 1 800 688 9900 EE UU 1 800 688 2002 CANADA De lunesa viernes de las8 a m a las 8 EHAMIEHTO p m horadelEste Internet http www maytag com NOTA Ennuestro esfuerzo continuo para mejorarla calidadde nuestrosaparatos puedeser necesariohacercambiosa la secadora sincorregirestaguia 21 DE LALAVADORA p_gio_ 21 DE LLAMAR p_gio_...
Страница 18: ...ecadora abratodaslas Ilavesdel aguacalientey deje que el agua escurradurantevarios minutos Estoeliminaracualquiergashidr6geno acumulado Debido a que el gas es inflamable no fume ni use una llama abiertaduranteesteperiodo 11 12 No introduzca su manoen la lavadora si el agitadorestaenmovimiento 17 Nopermita quelos ni_oso animales domes ticosjueguendentro delanteo en el elec trodomestico Es necesaria...
Страница 19: ...HEAVY PESADO 24 minutosdetiempodelavado NORMAL 15minutosdetiempodelavado LIGHT LIGERO 9minutosdetiempode lavado W H IT E S Los ajustes HEAVY PESADO y NORMALen todos los ciclos cam biaran las velocidades de agitado duranteeltiempodelavado Puedeser que escuche este cambiode veloci dad Estoes normal N RMAL H EAVY DELICATES DELICADOS estadiseiado paralavararticulosquenece sitenunaacciGn suavedelavado ...
Страница 20: ...rapido en los ciclosWHITES BLANCOS y COLORS COLORES EXTRA RINSE Enjuague Adicional Proporciona unenjuague adicional alfinaldelciclopara eliminar mas completamente los aditivosde lavado las espumas losperfumes etc AUTOTEMPERATURE CONTROL Controlde Temperatura Automatica AlgunosModelos Control deTemperatura Automatica Garantiza unatemperatura delaguafria delavado de 75 F 24 C y del aguatibia de 95 F...
Страница 21: ...de telas liquido en el momento apropiado duranteel ciclo Parausarlo sigalos pasosa continuaci6n 1 Vierta el suavizantede telas liquidoen el surtidorusandolacantidad recomendada en el paquete 2 A_adaaguatibiaalsurtidorhastaqueIlegue a la linea MAX line LJNEADE Maxima Limpielosderrames Nodetengalalavadora durantelaprimera exprimida Estoharaquese vacieel sur tidordemasiado pronto Nuncaviertasuavizant...
Страница 22: ...e ropay evitarala posi bilidadpocoprobablede datos por escapede agua Use un patio suaveparalimpiarel detergente blanqueador u otrosderramestan prontoocur ran LimpieIo siguiente segtJn se recomienda Panelde Control limpielo conunpatio suave htJmedoo con limpiadorpara vidrio No use polvosni almohadillas limpiadoras abrasivas Gabinete limpieloconaguay jab6n Interior los dep6sitosde aguadura 3ueden re...
Страница 23: ...distribuida Estoes normal Vuelva a redistribuirla ropa en la tina y coloquela perillaen centrifugado SE DETIENE Gireel discoindicadordecontrolal ciclocor rectoy tire dela perillade controlparaarran car la lavadora Si la lavadoratiene botones asegQresede que esten completamente oprimidos Cierrela tapay tire deldiscodecontrolpara quelalavadora arranque Porsuseguridad la lavadoranoagitaraniexprimira ...
Страница 24: ...treestados PAR OBTENEfl EL SEflVIClO DE GAflANTIA Paraubicarun centrode servicioautorizadoen su area comuniquese con el dis tribuidorMaytagconel cualcompr6elelectrodomestico o Ilameal Departamento de Asistencia al Clientede MaytagAppliances SalesCompany Si norecibeun servicio degarantiasatisfactorio porfavorIlameo escribaa MaytagAppliances SalesCompany Attn CAIR _Center RO Box2370 Cleveland TN3732...