The Cycle Status Indicators show the progress of a cycle.
Not all indicators are available on all models.
The Sensing indicator will light during Sensor Cycles to
indicate that the moisture sensor on the dryer is operating.
This indicator will not light during Timed Cycles or options
such as Wrinkle Prevent.
The load is still wet and/or the cycle just started.
The load still has moisture remaining, a good point
in the cycle to remove a garment to air dry or iron.
Cool Down
The dryer has finished drying with heat and is now tumbling
the load without heat to cool it down and reduce wrinkling.
Check Vent
The Check Vent indicator is a feature available for Sensor
Cycles only. This indicator will show the status of airflow
through the dryer and the dryer vent system for the dryer’s
life. During the sensing phase at the beginning of the cycle,
the Check Vent light will come on if a blocked vent or low
airflow issue is detected. This light will stay on for the entire
cycle. Should the Check Vent light illuminate, refer to the
“Troubleshooting” section for potential solutions to the issue.
The light will be cleared upon completion of the cycle, touching
Power, or opening the door. It will continue to illuminate during
the cycle unless the root cause is resolved.
The dryer will continue to operate even while the
indicator is lit, but poor airflow can impact dry times and overall
performance. For more information on maintaining good airflow,
see “Check Your Vent System for Good Airflow.” If there are
other error issues during a cycle, the Check Vent indicator will
not light up. See the “Troubleshooting” section.
This will indicate that the selected cycle has ended and the
load may be removed from the dryer. If Wrinkle Prevent has
been selected, the dryer may continue to tumble the load,
even if “End” is showing in the display.
Control Lock
This will illuminate when the controls are locked.
The Control Lock function may be enabled when
recovering from a power failure. To unlock the control, touch
and hold CONTROL LOCK for at least 3 seconds.
Cool Down
Check Vent
Wet Damp
Appearance may vary.
Use to select available options for your dryer. Not all cycles
and options are available on all models.
Wrinkle Prevent
If you will be unable to remove a load immediately,
touch WRINKLE PREVENT to add up to 150 minutes
of periodic tumbling to help reduce wrinkling. On steam
models, on some cycles, you may select the “+Steam”
setting to add a short steam cycle after 60 minutes
to help smooth out wrinkles.
Reduce Static (steam models only)
Touch to add the Reduce Static option to selected
Sensor Cycles (see “Cycle Guide”). The dryer will
automatically tumble, pause, and introduce a small amount
of moisture into the load to help reduce static. This option
adds approximately 3 minutes to the total cycle time.
Steam (steam models only)
Steam adds steam to the end of certain Sensor Cycles
to help smooth wrinkles. It is not available on Sanitize,
Delicates, Steam Refresh, or Timed Cycles (Timed Dry,
Quick Dry). Steam can be used with High or Medium heat
settings. This option adds approximately 15 minutes to
the total cycle time.
Cycle Signal
Use this to turn the signal indicating the end of a drying
cycle on or off. Touch CYCLE SIGNAL to turn sounds
on or off.
Control Lock
Use to lock the controls of the dryer and avoid
an accidental change in cycle options or preferences
during a drying cycle. Touch and hold CONTROL LOCK
for 3 seconds to lock or unlock the controls of the dryer.
During this time, the LED Display will count down “3-2-1.”
Once the controls are locked, the Control Lock icon
will illuminate.
The Control Lock function may be enabled when
recovering from a power failure. To unlock the control,
touch and hold CONTROL LOCK for at least 3 seconds.
Extra Power
The Extra Power option can be used with both Sensor
and Timed Dry Cycles. Press the Cycle Control Knob
to activate the Extra Power option, which provides an
additional 10 minutes of cycle time (including additional
heat and tumbling, where applicable). When Extra Power
is activated, the Cycle Control Knob will illuminate and
the estimated time remaining on the display will show an
additional 10 minutes.