2. Make sure to avoid pressure marks at the canopy during storage.
Improper storage may damage the canopy.
Point loads from the tare weight or other subjects cause pressure marks and holes.
No guarantee possible!
• Remove the electric heaters including the swivelling holder, see separate manual. Wrap foam
material around the plugs of the “wiring long” or fixate them at the bottom part of the spokes
so that they are not scouring the canopy.
• Remove the fixation of the (suspended) rain gutter and the side sheets, see separate manual.
• Remove any external components, if applicable.
• The weight of a horizontally stored parasol must be supported by a possibly large surface.
Use the cardboard tubes in which the parasol was delivered. Push in the parasol to avoid
point loads.
• In case you store the parasol in a rack without the cardboard tube, please make sure the rack
is deep enough to provide sufficient seating.
• The most simple and safe way to store a parasol is in vertical position. Just put the parasol
into a pedestal frame. If this unit is indoors, the parasol is protected from wind and weather
and therefore the canopy lasts the winter without damage.
3. Store the parasol away from mice.
Mice like to gnaw on textiles. This causes material damage.
If the parasol is not protected from mice, they may damage the canopy. Please always check
each storage to make sure mice will not get in.
• Do not store a parasol in lying position on the floor.
• Cross arm racks (no connection to the ground) that are doweled into the wall are a good
solution, as long as the distance to the ground is big enough, so mice cannot climb up.
• A parasol that is stored in vertical position is protected from mice, as they cannot climb up
the slick centre pole.
Stand 38-1408
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