as “power frequency” fields. Hertz is the unit for measuring the frequency of fields in the
number of wave cycles each second. The lower the frequency of a field, the lower its
energy. Power frequency fields are low frequency fields and have low energy levels.
Microwave and x-ray fields are high frequency fields and have high energy levels. Below
are some EMF measurements.
EMF Levels from Common Homes Sources
After many years and numerous studies on EMF exposure, no government body including
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have established permissible
exposure limits (PEL). Currently, there is no consensus on the potential health hazard from
any exposure to EMF. The mainstream scientific evidence suggests that low-power, low-
frequency, electromagnetic radiation associated with household currents like that of the
infrared sauna does not constitute a short or long term health hazard.
Sauna Maintenance
Since infrared saunas do not require hot rocks, water, or steam to operate, they require
very little maintenance. You can simply wipe it down with water
– use a damp, soft, and
clean cloth.
Do not use any chemical based cleaning agents
as they can be absorbed
into the wood and be released into your sauna during use.
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