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Easy Find LNB connection (optional)
An Easy Find LNB enables the orientation of a satellite antenna without the help of a
second person or direct view on the TV set. Also, this LNB replaces orientation aids such
as Sat-Finder or other expensive measuring instruments. An Easy Find LNB is not included,
available separately
Connection and rough direction of the antenna
You must connect the antenna cable to the LNB before adjusting the antenna.
Please follow also the instructions in the operating manual of your satellite antenna.
The receiver should only be connected to the power supply after you have connected the
antenna cable to the receiver.
If you have not mounted and adjusted your satellite system yet, you must first find a suitable
location for mounting the antenna. Please make sure that the antenna is directed correctly
(to the south). Further information on the exact position of your specific satellite can be
found on www.dishpointer.com
This means, you must have a clear view in a southern
direction of the sky when you stand behind the antenna.
Please make sure to mount the LNB correctly.
The following drawing will help you:
When searching for the southern direction,
we recommend you use a compass
You must have this view when standing behind the antenna.
In this angle of 90° nearly all common satellite positions, such as ASTRA 2 28° E
ASTRA 1 19.2° E, Eutelsat Hotbird 13° E, and Türksat 42° E, can be found.
15/05/2013 14:12