XR31233 / XR31234 / XR31235 Evaluation Board User’s Manual
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XR31233_XR31234_XR31235 EVB Manual
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Power Supply Recommendations
In order to ensure reliable operation at all data rates and
supply voltages, each supply should have at least 100nF
ceramic capacitor located as close to the supply terminals
) as possible. Additional 10uF and 100nF (C1 and C2)
are recommended if the supply source is generated from a
linear power supply/regulator.
Layout Recommendations
1. Apply at least 100nF bypass capacitors as
close as possible to V
terminal of transceiver.
2. Use at least two vias for V
connections of bypass capacitors to minimize
effective via-inductance.
3. When possible, use Vcc and GROUND plane
to provide low-inductance traces and signal path.