m a x A I 4 3 0 & m a x A I 4 3 0 v T E C H N I C A L M A N U A L
Rev A 8/24/2020
To exit this screen just click any keypad.
Also, the LCD Warning lights will be displayed on any of the main screens as a pop-up icon whenever the
LCD Warning Light is turned on.
Notice that LCD Warning Light indicator at the top left corner of the screen will turn on with the color
of the active LCD warning Light. In case that more than one LCD Warning Lights are active at the same
time the color of LCD Warning Light indicator will be with the color of highest priority:
By clicking any keypad will display LCD Warning lights to check all the active LCD Warning Lights
status, and to exit click again any key
3.5.4 System Information
Select system information from main menu by scrolling to
System Information
and pressing the
Select Key
Click any keypad