Max-Ox™ MX-900B Operators Manual, Rev. 0
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Certificate of Limited Warranty
Max-Ox™ Wood Chip-Fired Hydronic Boilers
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This Limited Warranty is only available to the original owner of this
Max-Ox™ Wood-chip fired Hydronic Boiler (Unit). It is not transferable.
Max-Ox, LLC (Max-Ox) warrants this Max-Ox™ Wood-chip fired
Hydronic Boiler, and its component part(s), to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship, under normal use and service, for the
Applicable Warranty Periods. At its option, Max-Ox will repair or replace
defective Max-Ox™ Wood-chip fired Hydronic Boiler, or defective
component part(s), in accordance with the terms of the Limited Warranty, if
it fails in normal use and service during the Applicable Warranty Periods..
Any replacement components or replacement part(s) must be Max-Ox
authorized component or part(s). The replacement unit or part(s) will be
warranted only for the unexpired portion of the Unit’s Applicable Warranty
Effective Date:
The Effective Date of the commencement of warranty coverage (or
the beginning of the Applicable Warranty Periods) is the date of installation
of the Unit, provided the installation, operation, and maintenance of the Unit
conforms to the instructions in the Max-Ox™ MX-900B Operators Manual,
applicable Federal, State, and Local codes, Customer’s Insurance
Underwriter requirements, and good plumbing, electrical, and HVAC
(Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) trade practices. Otherwise, the
Effective Date of the commencement of warranty coverage is the date of the
manufacture of the Unit plus ninety (90) days.
Applicable Warranty Periods
Whetted hydronic heat exchanger components: Three (3) years
Cast refractory on stoker doors and combustion chamber: Three (3) years
Steel fabrications, mechanical components, thermal insulation: One (1) year
Electrical, electro-mechanical, and electronic components: One (1) year
Plumbing components (pump, valves, fittings, maifolds): One (1) year