M o d e l Y e a r 2 0 1 2
M a v e r i c k B o a t C o m p a n y , I n c . • 3 2 0 7 I n d u s t r i a l 2 9 t h S t . • F o r t P i e r c e ,
F l o r i d a 3 4 9 4 6 • ( 7 7 2 ) - 4 6 5 - 0 6 3 1 o r ( 8 8 8 ) - s h a l l o w • F a x : ( 7 7 2 ) 4 8 9 - 2 1 6 8
The bilge of your Pathfinder 2300 HPS should always be checked after launch. A small amount of water in the bilge is
normal for this area of the boat. Large amounts of water or any signs of fuel or oil require immediate attention. Never pump
fuel or oil overboard while your boat is in the water.
Large quantities of water in the bilge may be an indication of a leak or that your bilge pump is jammed, broken or has blown
a 5 amp fuse. First check that your bilge pump is running. Turn the switch on and listen for the bilge pump to turn on. If the
bilge pump does not come on, check your fuse box to make sure the pump hasn’t blown a fuse. If the fuse is damaged,
replace it and turn the switch on again, listening for the bilge pump to come on.
If the bilge pump is working and pumping water, but the water level in the bilge does not go down, you likely have a leak
which requires immediate attention. Remove your boat from the water and see your local Pathfinder dealer to have the
bilge area inspected for possible leaks.
Fuel leaks also require immediate attention. Be sure to check for fuel leaks frequently and repair any problems
. Any replacement of parts or repairs to the fuel system should be performed by a trained marine mechanic.
See your authorized Pathfinder dealer for parts and repair.
Use bilge cleaner products to remove any obvious stains. Consult your authorized Pathfinder dealer for recommended
types of bilge cleaners.
The Bilge Pump is Mounted to ABS Plastic
If the fuse is in working order, make sure the pump is turned off, then unhook the bilge pump from its cradle by squeezing
the blue tabs on the sides of the pump and lifting. The entire bilge pump and wiring should release from the cradle. Check
the underside and impeller areas for miscellaneous items that might clog the pump.
Items such as monofilament, plastic, rocks and small clumps of debris can easily clog the impeller and prevent the bilge
pump from operating correctly. Should you find a clog, remove the item and turn the pump switch to the “on” position. If
the pump runs, turn the switch “off” and return the pump to its cradle.
If the fuse is working and the impeller is not clogged, the bilge pump is probably bad and needs to be replaced. See your
local Pathfinder dealer for bilge pump replacement.