Rev. D
mechanical damage, or any other adverse conditions. Remove any corrosion
and prime and paint the affected area. Spray entire inboard area of spring
gear, attachment points, and truss with LPS-3 Rust Inhibitor (LPS Laboratories,
Inc.) or equivalent. The torque on the AN inboard attach bolts must be 240-
300 inch pounds and on outboard clamp bolts 160-190 inch pounds.
Service Letter 74 that supersedes Service Letter 66, adds high strength
NAS bolts and tension nuts as the preferred option for outboard and inboard at
tach bolts for aluminum spring gears. These bolts require 450-500 inch lbs.
torque on the inboard attach bolts and 160-190 on the outer attach bolts.
These bolts listed on Service Letter 74 are factory installed on M-7-235C S/N
25118C and up, and affects S/N’s 25001C to 25117C.
CAUTION: Use Steps 9 and 10, above as a guide for inspection after an unusually hard landing or
any time there is concern about the condition of the main landing gears or their attachments.
11. Remove all inspection covers/plates and inspect all visible control cables, pul-
leys, bellcranks, electrical wires and connections, fuel lines and fittings, nuts, bolts,
etc. for security, chafing, leaks, etc.
NOTE: Check top side of rear elevator horn and cable and bottom side of forward elevator horn and
cable if yellow color-coding paint is visible. If missing, paint per Maule Service Bulletin No. 30.
12. CAUTION: At inspection hole in tail, visually check the pivoting action at the
control cable attachment points over the full range of rudder and elevator
travel. This action should be such that there are no bending loads imparted to
the turnbuckles (which are designed for straight tension load only).
NOTE: Any binding which causes bending of the turnbuckles should be removed. Any cable attach-
ment parts, which display appreciable corrosion, must be replaced before further flight.
CAUTION - Before flight whenever elevator cables are reconnected or new cables installed: Always
check operation of elevators after a cable reconnect by pulling back on the control wheel and ascer-
tain that the elevators are in the UP position.
NOTE: Pivot points must be cleaned and lubricated with any lightweight lubricating oil. Following lu-
brication, the cable attachments, including the turnbuckles, must be heavily coated with a good pre-
servative such as:
Black Bear Paralketone Preventa-
tive/Black Bear Co./Long Island
City, NY. (preferred)
LPS 3, Heavy Duty Rust Inhibi-
tor/LPS Laboratories, Inc./Tucker,
NOTE: Larger stainless steel turnbuckles and corrosion resistant steel fasteners for the elevator ca-
bles are approved and recommended for airplanes operating in a potentially corrosive environment.