MTX1 Driver / Serial Configuration
Next, the MTX1 CDC driver can be installed, which is used by the serial bridge and
configuration mode. This driver allows the board to appear as a COM port. The driver itself is included
with Windows, but an .inf file is needed to configure it. Download the .inf file from
. Note that Windows Vista
64bit, Windows 7 64bit and Windows 8 require the signed driver. Now, plug in or reset the MTX1
with jumper JMP removed. This will run the USBserial bridge. Both LEDs should be lit. Windows will
then prompt you for the MTX1 CDC driver. Point the installer to the directory where you downloaded
the driver and install. Note that you may need to rename the driver in order for it to show up in the
installer. Windows may add the .txt extension to the file after downloading. Rename it so that it ends
with .inf. Ignore any warnings given by the installer (ie: unsigned driver). Once the driver is loaded, the
device will appear as the MTX1 CDC device using a COM port in the device manager. There is no
need to configure serial port parameters. The buad rate, for example, is ignored. The MTX1 will
always communicate with the computer at full speed (up to 2Mbps). If you experience any buffering
problems, for example, a delayed response to user input, then change both buffer sizes to 1.
Terminal Emulator
Finally, the terminal emulator can be configured. Windows XP includes HyperTerminal, which
has been tested with the MTX1 and will be documented here. There are several other terminal
emulators available freely on the Internet. If you wish to use any of them, it should be no trouble to
adapt the instructions presented here.
Next, start HyperTerminal. Create a new connection. You will refer to this connection again, so
give it an appropriate name (after it is configured, you can copy it to your desktop). Select the MTX1
COM port (ie: COM4) and continue. It is not necessary to configure the baud rate or any other serial
Now, click on the connect icon.
After connecting, you may see garbage on the terminal screen. If this is the case, click on the
configuration icon and change the emulation to ANSI (or ANSIW). The configuration mode requires an
ANSI terminal to allow drawing of the menu system. Normally, when first entering a mode that uses
the CDC driver, a message that reads “Press any Key” is printed periodically. If you do not see this
message, just press any key to continue. Note that it may not be possible to switch between modes
using the button until a key is pressed.
It is important to always click the disconnect icon before switching to the PDI programmer.
Then click the connect icon a couple seconds after returning. This is required because changing to the
AVRISP mkII driver unloads the CDC driver, then loads the AVRISP mkII driver. In order for the
terminal to use the same COM port as before, it must be disconnected when returning to the CDC
driver so that it does not assign a new COM port.
June 2, 2015