Appendix A: Precautions
Appendix A: Precautions
Care must be taken when configuring the solder jumpers.
It is possible to cause permanent damage to the device or the
power supply by improperly setting the jumpers.
Do not change any jumpers while the unit is powered.
When using the microcontrollers internal regulator to power itself,
be sure not to exceed the regulator maximum current output.
The MT-DB-U2 contains static sensitive components.
Use the usual ESD procedures when handling.
Improper fuse settings may result in an unusable AVR. Be certain
that you know the effects of changing the fuses, that you
understand the convention used for describing the state of the
fuses (programmed = 0), and that you are using an appropriate
programming speed before attempting to change fuse settings.
October 29, 2015