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3)Align the trace with the h oriz onta l cen ter line of the grati cule by adjust ing the CH 1 P OSI TION co ntrol and TRA CE
ROTATION con trol (adju stab le by scre wdr iver).
4)C onne ct th e pr obe t o the CH1 INP U T terminal a nd a pply the 2Vp-p CALIBRATOR s igna l to the probe tip.
5)S et th e AC-GND DC switch to th e AC state.A w ave form as s hown in the figure 4 4
Will be disp layed on the CRT screen.
6)A just the FOC US cont rol so tha t the trace ima ge ap pear s sharply.
7)F or signal viewing,set th e VOLTS /DIV switch and T IME /DIV switch in ap prop riate
p ositi ons so tha t sig nal wave form is di spla yed c learly.
8)Adjus t the
P O SITION con trols in appro priate po sitio ns so that the
displa yed w ave form is a ligne d with th e graticule and voltage (Vp- p)an d period (T)can be
re ad c onve nien tly.
The ab ove are th e basic o pera ting proc edures of the o scillosco pe.I t is for sin gle- chan nel o pera tion with CH1.Sin gle- chan nel
op eration w ith CH 2 can also be ac hiev ed in a si milar man ner. Furt her o peration meth ods are e xplained in the sub sequ ent pages.
4.4 Dual-channel Operation
Chang e the VERT MODE switch to the DUAL s tates so th at tr ace( CH2)is al so
Displa yed (The expl anat ion i n the proceeding se ctio n is o f CH 1).A t d1 is sta te of
proced ure,the CH l t race is the squ are wave of th e ca libra tor s ignal and the CH 2
tr ace is a straigh t lin e sin ce no signal is app lied to this channe l yet.
Now ap ply t he calibr ator signa l to the vertical in put termi nal o f CH 2 with th e
probe as is the c ase for CH1.S et the AC-GND-DC switch to th e AC state.Adjust
ve rtica l POSITION knob s (11)and (19)so th at both c hannel signals are displayed
as sho wn in Fig ure4 -5
Figure 4-4
Fig ure 4 -5
S i gn a l o f C H 1
S i gn a l o f C H 2
Wh en A LT/CHO P switch is re leased (ALT MODE),t he input signals a pplied respec tivel y to CH l and CH 2 ap pears on the
s creen alt ernatively at e ach sweep. Th is se tting is u sed w hen the s wee p tim e is short in 2 -cha nnel obse rvati on.
Wh en ALT/CHOP switch is eng aged (CH OP M OD E),the in put signals ap plied to CH 1a nd CH 2 are s witc hed a t abo ut 2 50kH z
indep ende nt o f the swee p an d at the sa me time appe ar on the scree n. T his settin g is u sed when the sweep time is long in 2 -cha nnel
o bser vatio n.
Wh en in the dual chan nel o peration (DUA L o r AD D mo de), the C H l or CH 2 s ignal must be selec ted for th e tri gger ing s ource
s igna l by m ean s of the S OURCE swit ch. If both CH l and CH 2 sig nals are in a synch roni zed relationship, b oth waveform s ca n be
d ispla yed stationary; If not, only the signal selected by the S OUR CE switch can be statio nary. If t he T R IG. ALT pus h switch is
e ngag ed, b oth waveform s ca n be disp layed stationa ry.
An alge braic sum of the CH1an d CH 2 s ignals can be d isplayed on the sc reen by setting the VERT M ODE switch to the ADD
S tate. The disp laye d signal i s the diffe renc e be twee n CH l and CH2 sig nals if th e CH2 IN V pu sh s witc h is e ngag ed.
For acc urate add ition or su btraction , it is a p rere quisite th at th e sen sitiv ities of the two ch ann els ar e ad juste d acc urately at
the s ame value by m ean s of the VARIABL E kn obs. Ver tical positioni ng c an be made wi th th e
POS ITIO N kn ob o f eith er
c hann el. I n view of the l inea rity of the ver tical amp lifiers, it is mo st ad van tage to se t bot h kno bs i n their mi d-po sitio ns.
Pro per trigg erin g is esse ntial for effic ient ope ratio n of an o scillosco pe. T he user mus t be thor ough ly familiar with the
trigge ring func tion s and pro cedures.
(1)Functions o f MODE switch:
A UT O: W hen the AUTO switch i s eng age d, au toma tic s weep ope ratio n is selec ted. in automatic s wee p ope ratio n, th e sw eep
generator free r uns to generat e a sweep wit hout a trig ger signa l. H owev er, i t automat icall y switches triggere d sw eep
op eration if an a ccep table trig ger sour ce sig nal is pr esent . Th e AUTO p osit ion is han dy w hen first setti ng up the scop e
to obs erve a wa vefo rm; i t pro vides sweep for wavefo rm o bser vation un til o ther controls can p rope rly s et. Once the
co ntro ls are set , ope ratio n is o ften swit chen bac k to t he N ORM trig gering mode , sinc e it
Autom atic
sw eep mus t be u sed for DC measu reme nts an sig nals of s uch l ow ampli tude that they will not t rigger th e swe ep.
4.5 ADD Operation
4.6 Triggering
is mo re se nsitive.