MSC-XD88S Product Manual
A future revision will add support for a more robust conditional instruction language.
GPIO auxiliary pins start with ID number 65 for GPIO pin 1.
Panel commands and conditions must be enabled with the
or by setting the
to activate them.
Query all assigned panel button/GPIO conditions.
PanelCond Button
Query a single panel button/GPIO condition.
PanelCond Button Condition
Assign a panel button/GPIO condition. Assigning a blank condition to a
button or GPIO pin will clear the condition (two consecutive single or double
quotes represents an empty string).
1 P0
2 P1
67 P0
>PanelCond 1
1 P0
PanelCond 68,”P1”
PanelCond 68,””
The first example above queries the currently assigned panel/GPIO conditions, which shows that button number
1 and 2 have P0 and P1 conditions assigned respectively, which lights the button LEDs when the current matrix
routing matches preset 0 or preset 1 respectively, and GPIO pin 3 (GPIO pins start at 65) will output a logic 1 if
the matrix matches preset 0. The second command queries the panel condition for button 1. The third
command assigns the condition “P1” to GPIO pin 4 (ID 68). The fourth command clears the condition assigned
to GPIO pin 4.
3.11.26 PanelDis Command
Protocol Version: 2.4
Query or assign internal button interface panel disable setting. This setting is stored and recalled on power up.
Query internal panel disable setting.
PanelDis 0 | 1
Assign internal panel disable setting (0: enable, 1: disable)
>PanelDis 1
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