MSC-V1616L Product Manual
Serial receive overrun
One or more characters were lost on the serial interface.
Unsupported command Command is not supported by the system or current configuration.
Firmware 5.3.0 and newer.
I/O Error
A general I/O error occurred.
Table 4: Error Codes
3.6 Command Arguments
Command arguments are separated into two categories: numeric and string arguments. These are further
explained in Table 5.
Decimal (123) 1 to 3 decimal digits
Commands with string arguments
automatically interpret argument as
string (spaces and commas not
Hex (0x3D)
0xNN where NN are 2 hex digits
from 0-9, A-F or a-f
Double quoted
One or more characters surrounded
by double quotes (“An Argument”).
Single quoted
One or more characters surrounded
by single quotes ('An Argument').
Table 5: Basic Argument Types
Arguments are shown in the Help command output surrounded by square brackets '[Arg]' or parenthesis '(Arg)'.
Square brackets indicate an optional argument and parenthesis indicate a required argument. Any optional
argument specified requires that all prior optional arguments are also specified. Table 6 lists currently used
command argument types.
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