MSC-2HD2416S Product Manual
3.13 DHCP Command
Query or assign DHCP enable. A value of 0 disables DHCP client support and will therefore use the manual
values assigned via the IP, Netmask and Gateway commands. A value of 1 enables DHCP and will obtain the
values for the IP address, Netmask and Gateway from your DHCP server. This value is saved and recalled on
power up.
A DHCP server must be present on your network for this to function properly. Using DHCP
allows for dynamic IP or fixed IP assignment from a central location (the DHCP server). Using this option is
only recommended if using fixed IP assignment by MAC address or if there is a way to determine what IPs the
Matrix Switch Corporation systems get assigned. Otherwise it may become difficult to determine what IP
address to use when accessing the Web Page or other control interfaces. In the event that the IP address or
Netmask of a system is unknown, consult the
section for this device.
Query DHCP enable.
DHCP 0 | 1
Set DHCP enable (0 to disable, 1 to enable)
Examples to query and then enable DHCP
3.14 E Command
Routers and MSC-GCP2U32 only
Query or assign matrix routing changes echo. A value of 0 disables this feature. A value of 1 will cause all
matrix routing changes to be echoed in the form of an X command: “Xd,s[,l]”. Where 'd' is the destination
number, 's' is the source number and 'l' is the optional level number. This is useful for diagnostic purposes or
automation software which would like to receive synchronous matrix routing state updates.
Enabling this feature may slow down the system significantly during excessive matrix routing changes
(especially when enabled on the serial port). Also of note is that this option takes effect only while the system
remains powered (serial port) or for the duration of the connection (TCP/IP telnet sessions). This command is
not supported by the HTTP web command interface.
Query matrix echo enable.
E 0 | 1
Set matrix echo enable (0 to disable, 1 to enable).
Examples to query and then enable matrix echo
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