The meter must be mounted in a vertical position with the inlet (lowest end of
the scale reading) at the bottom. Attitude of more than 5° from the vertical
will affect the accuracy of the meter. Panel mounted meters should be
installed in position prior to connection to process piping. General good
piping practice should be observed to prevent trapped fluid up or down stream
of the meters. Connectors/adapters on the meter are supplied with wrench flats
which must be held firmly when threading mating connections. Teflon tape
should be used on pipe thread connections. NOTE: Care must be taken to
avoid the shredding of Teflon tape which can foul meter operation.
Leak test final joints prior to operation. Leaks are often the cause of
misleading flow indication.
START-UP CAUTION. Avoid sudden pressure surges. The impact of the
float at the top of the tube can damage the meter if it is exposed directly to full
line pressure. Avoid shock by closing the valve before start-up. Introduce
pressure by slowly opening the valve.
FLOW READING. Flow indication is read at the center of the ball floats.
Units of flow (SCCM, SCFH, etc.) are noted on the side of the tube. Tubes
with millimeter, percent of maximum flow or linear scales require a calibration
chart that corresponds to the metered fluid.