background image

Step 4

Cut the rubber boot seal provided and slide onto

stripped cable as in diagram.


VHF Ch (6-12) TV Antenna Installation Instructions

Step 1

Take both halves of the antenna out of the 

carton. Swivel all attached single elements 
90 degrees to the boom from the packed 

position till they ‘snap lock’. See diagram.

Step 2

The curved dipole needs to be
attached to the underside of the

boom at 90 degrees.

Step 5

Strip coax cable as shown in diagram and feed through 

rubber boot seal. See diagram.

Step 6

Select connector provided.
(Suitable for RG6 or semi airspaced cable)
Place “F” connector on back to front and twist to

ensure that all braid is flat. See diagram.
(For other cable types you will need to purchase
the corresponding connector)
