Removal of the door panel
In order to install the MATCH speakers in the ori-
ginal mounting positions it is mandatory to remove
the door panels.
If you are uncertain how to remove the panels,
please either ask your local VW dealer or an expe-
rienced car hifi dealer for assistance. In any case
follow the instructions of the car manufacturer.
Here are some important hints:
1. The door panel is fastened with several hidden
screws to the metal sheet of the door. Make sure
that you have loosened all screws before you try to
remove the door panel.
2. Additionally the door panel is fixed by numerous
plastic clips, which may be damaged during the
disassembly when the ambient temperature is be-
low 10°C. Always pull the door panel horizontally
to loosen the clips – never apply any vertical force.
Note that broken plastic clips have to be replaced
before reinstalling the door panel in order to avoid
undesired rattle and noise.
Installation of the MS 6B-VW.1
For the removal of the original woofers it is man-
datory to drill out four rivets on each side. Fix the
included mounting rings directly to the metal sheets
of the doors using four self-tapping screws. Note
that it is not possible to use the holes of the drilled-
out rivets as those have a larger diameter than nee-
ded. Rather position the mounting rings twisted by
a couple of angular degrees and drill new holes into
the door metal sheets for the self-tapping screws.
Connect the pre-assembled cables for the woofers
(included in delivery) before you screw the woofers
in the mounting rings.
Please note:
The mounting rings incorporate dedicated cavities
for the connecting cables of the woofers – make
sure that you do not squeeze the cables between
woofer and mounting ring!
Installation of the MS 1T-VW.1
For the installation of the tweeters you have to re-
move the mirror triangles that incorporate the origi-
nal tweeters. Extract the original tweeters from the
triangles. In order to do so you have to cut three
weld spots on each side using a sharp knife. Then
insert the new MATCH tweeters and glue them into
the mirror triangles or use (depending on the type
of vehicle) the small screws that are included in
delivery. Connect the pre-assembled wires for the
tweeters before you reinsert the mirror triangles
back into position.
Please note:
The connectors in the mirror triangles
for the original speakers remain unused!