Masport Freestanding Woodstove
1) Please read this entire manual before you
install and use your new woodstove. Fail-
ure to follow instructions may result in
property damage, bodily injury or even death.
Be aware that local Codes and Regulations
may override some items in this manual.
Check with your local inspector.
2) Select a position for your Masport Stove.
Consult the minimum clearance chart for
your model and set the stove in place.
3) To insure vertical alignment, suspend a
plumb bob from the ceiling over the exact
center of your stove flue and mark a spot on
the ceiling to indicate the center of the flue.
4) Check that the area above the ceiling is clear
for cutting. Re-confirm the clearance from
the stove to combustibles to insure that they
are within the prescribed limits.
5) This woodstove must be connected to a
flue system.
6) Install chimney according to chimney man-
ufacturers instructions. The performance
of your woodstove is governed to a very
large part by the chimney system. Too short
a chimney can cause difficult start-up, dirty
glass, backsmoking when door is open,
and even reduced heat output. Too tall a
chimney may prompt excessive draft which
can result in very short burn times and
excessive heat output.
CAUTION: The chimney should be the same
size as the 6" flue outlet on the stove. The
chimney must be listed as suitable for use
with solid fuels.
7) Mark the location of the pedestal base or
legs on the floor, then move the stove aside
and mark the position of the floor protector.
8) The floor protector must be of non-combus-
tible material, see page 5.
9) In seismically active areas, Masport recom-
mends that your unit is secured to the floor
by using the bolt down holes inside the
pedestal, mandatory in New Zealand.
10) Do not connect this unit to a chimney
serving another appliance.
11) Your Masport Woodstove is not to be
connected to any air distribution duct.
12) Installation must comply with
AS/NZ 2918:2001.