Step 6:
Align Right Side Hearth to the outline created. The overall width
should allow for an approximate gap of 1/8” between slabs
for the additional mortar to unite the remaining slab. Check
for surface flatness, level if necessary. Then lay the Left Side
Hearth. This will become your base plate. (Figure 6)
Step 7:
Set the Front and Rear Dome in place. Use the damp sponge
to wet the surfaces where mortar will be applied. Check that
all is level. If you need to make adjustments, use shims. Place
one or more of these shims between the lowest wall component
and the top surface of the base plate. Once you are satisfied
with the degree of levelness, you can address any gap that may
have occurred with an appropriate amount of mortar. (Figure 7)
Note: Although you are cautioned to use MASON-LITE mortar
sparingly because it does have such holding power, you should
look over the oven assembly at the end and fill in any gaps,
especially joint connections, with the mortar.
Important: Adjustments can ONLY be made while the mortar is
still wet when correcting for square-ness and leveling.
Step 8:
Assemble one Dome Side. The beveled face lines up with the
inward angles of the Front and Rear Dome sides. Top surfaces
should be level. (Figure 7)
Step 9:
The firebricks for the oven cooking surface are precut. Place
firebrick tightly together using the appropriate layout shown. Do
not mortar firebrick to floor of oven or to each other. Place a
small amount of mortar under outside bricks to hold in place.
(Figure 2 & 7). Brick Panel installation sheet for adding brick
Panels to inside of oven. (not using firebrick in the oven may
lead to cracking or damage of the unit).
Step 10:
Brick Panel Installation:
1) Moisten the inside of the pizza oven and the back side of the
brick panels with a damp sponge.
2) Apply mortar to the rear of each side panel and place them
against the inside walls of the pizza oven.
3) Apply the rear panel with mortar between the two sides
4) Place front panel in the front and place the pizza oven front
dome in to meet it.
5) Place pizza oven dome top on top of the dome (four side
walls) with mortar (Make sure brick panels do not raise
above dome side walls)
6) Make sure all four panels are tight and apply mortar to the
joints at the top of the panels where the dome top meets.
(Touch up anywhere additional mortar is needed).
Step 11:
Assemble the other Dome Side. The beveled face lines up
with the inward angles of the Front and Rear Dome sides. If
things are proceeding as they should be, the finished top
surface should be flat and level. (Figure 9)
Step 12:
Set the Dome Top into position. (this will take two people to
do) Be sure that it is flush in every direction as you place it on
the crest of the dome wall assembly. (Figure 10)
Note: The chimney hole on the Dome Top is not centered from
front to back - it should be offset closest to the front of the oven.
Step 13:
Next assemble the optional masonry chimney. Place the front
face of the 8” Outer Chimney flat and centered (left to right)
against the Dome top. (Figure 11)
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10