Issue No.:05
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HT7S Series
Loop Powered Humidity cum Temperature
HT7S00:Humidity Transmitter
HT7S10 : Humidity Transmitter with Pt100 Passive Output
HT7S11 : Humidity cum Temperature Transmitter
HT7S11-Y : Humidity cum Temperature Transmitter with
Common Power
HT7S series loop Powered transmitter series are designed for highly
accurate Humidity and temperature measurement for industrial,
pharmaceutical and building automation applications. They are
available as wall mount, duct mount and flame proof versions.
HT7S series transmitters provides linear output signals proportional to
relative humidity and temperature. HT7S series device are designed to
provide better than 2% RH accuracy and Class A RTD with excellent
long term stability.
Loop Powered 4-20mA DC output signals enables long distance
remote display, recording, controlling or easy interface to PLC/DCS
systems. Two-wire connections allow easy installation directly into air
ducts or within a controlled area. The right choice of the filter cap
enables usage in harsh environmental conditions.
The model HT7S series uses capacitance based sensor for humidity
measurement, that is unaffected by high humidity, dust, fog etc. A
rugged weather proof enclosure is available to monitor space humidity
and temperature.
Measuring range 0-100 % RH
Linearised analog 4-20mA signal output (2wire loop powered)
Replaceable humidity sensor assembly
Wide range of models to suit many applications
Class-A RTD Pt 100 sensor used for temperature measurement
High Accuracy
Excellent long-term stability
Pharmaceutical Labs/Industry
HVAC application
Building automation
Energy management
Research Laboratories
Weather telemetry
HT7S Series Transmitter
Duct and wall type models available
High stability electronics, precision
and flexibility
Easy and safe For installation
Stable measurements and reduced