R o b o s c a n Pr o 1 2 2 0 - o p e ra t o r ’ s m a n u a l
S P 1 t o S P 1 6
Up to 16 special service and adjustment sequences are available. These are mainly used for servic-
ing purposes. After selecting a sequence, use the arrow keys to step through the sequence. Press
[menu] twice to return to the SPEC-menu. Please consult appendix b for table of the sequences
P o H - T o t a l P o w e r - O n T i m e ( F i x t u r e )
This option allows you to read the total number of hours that the Pro 1220 fixture has been powered
L A H - T o t a l L a m p - O n T i m e
This option allows you to read the total number of hours that the lamp has been powered on.
r P o - R e s e t a b l e P o w e r - O n T i m e
Selecting this option gives you the number of hours that the Pro 1220 fixture has been powered on.
It is possible to reset this counter by keeping the arrow up key pressed for approx. 5 seconds.
r L A - R e s e t a b l e L a m p - O n T i m e
Selecting this option shows you the number of hours that the lamp has been powered on in the fix-
ture. It is possible to reset this counter by keeping the arrow up key pressed for approx. 5 seconds.
For example, reset this counter whenever the lamp is being replaced, thus keeping easy control of
the lamp hours.
E r r o r a n d I n f o r m a t i o n M e s s a g e s
The following error messages may appear on the display:
L E r r
The lamp error message appears if the lamp doesn't ignite within 2 minutes after having received
the 'Lamp Power On' instruction from the controller. 'Lamp Error' will not affect the performance of
the Pro 1220 once the lamp has been successfully ignited.
E r A b ( P r o 1 2 2 0 C M Y R a n d R P R o n l y )
The 'A/B-Module Error' indicates that there is no communication between the serial data receiver
module and the A and B-Section electronic-modules.