
M ode l
5.5" (140)
W idth
6.5” (170)
11" (280)
He ight
8.7" (220)
4.75" (121)
De pth
4.7” (120)
W a tts
Am ps Re q.-115 V olts
V olts
He rtz (Hz )
50/60 Hz
Curre nt
½ hp
(700 N)
S upply
Circuit Boa rd
6” – 7”
Circuit Boa rd
Te m pe ra ture Ra nge
S urge S uppre ssion
Ope n a nd Close Lim its
Insta nt Re ve rse
P ush Buttons
Ra dio Controls
Autom a tic
Close Tim e r
Autom a tic Ope n,
S a fe ty Te rm ina l
Lighting Te rm ina l
Lubrica tion
P erm anent
Unlim ited
Continuous Cycle
He a t Build Up
Ins ignific ant - Opener rem ains c los e to air
tem perature
Cycle s P e r Hour
Curre nt
Y es
Drive Re duction
Cle a ra nce Re quire d Above
Ce nte r of Torsion Tube /S ha ft
V olta ge
S ide Cle a ra nce Re quire d
Be yond Lock-on/S ide
Be a ring Bra cke t
Ra tio
Em e rge ncy Re le a se Asse m bly
S tandard on all units
Ope ra ting Te m pe ra ture
Ra nge
Ove rloa d P rote ction
2.5" (64)
Torsion Tube /S ha ft Le ngth
5’ (1520)
1 7 L b s . (3 7 )
500 lbs (230)
M inim um Door
He ight
M ode l
M a x im um Door
W e ight
M a x im um Door
He ight
15’ (4600)
He ight
W idth
De pth
P ow e r
5.0" (130) bey ond the loc k -on/s ide
bearing brac k et
V -B elt
Approx im a te W e ight P lus P a cka ging
A utom atic
S tandard in the down run c y c le
M ode l
For optional loop detec tors , photo ey es , radar,
edge s ens or, etc .
For optional on/off lighting
A m ps required per 100 watts at 115 V olts is .84
15 s ec onds to 4 m inutes .
Not available for North A m eric a
S ingle P has e
S pe e d pe r se cond
"Run Tim e "
S oft S ta rt/S oft S top
(Adds S e conds to "Run Tim e ")
S elf c alibrating to the height
of the garage door.
Com puter Tec hnology
V -B elt, P ulley s , and W orm Drive Gear B ox
-30 F (-34 C) to 212 F (100 C)
-13 F (-22 C) to 212 F (100 C)
B uilt-in
Control Box Inte rna l
Te m pe ra ture
Higher than the ex ternal tem peratures , bec aus e
trans form er heating warm s internal air. This
feature allows for c old room ins tallations
Direc t (DC) S upplied from Control B ox
42 V olts S upplied from Control B ox A s s em bly
Force a nd S e nsitivity
S e ttings
Fac tory pres et and adjus t autom atic ally to light
and heavy garage doors . Can be s lightly
re-adjus ted and s et (S ee S tep 5).
One B utton
Inc luded
-13F(-25C) To 185F(85C)
. See STEP 6
-13F(-25C) To 167F(75C)
Maximum current is 3A
Amps required per 100 watts at 115 Volts is .84