Thank you for buying our excellent wireless microphone series products. Before you
use our products, please read this Owners M anual, so
th at yo
u ca
n e njoy it . K eep th is
manuaI in a safety place for your future references.
This series professional wireIess microphone system introduces a number of
advanced technology and components, incIuding the efficient low-consumption RF
transmission technology, elimination of switching impact technology, slow changed
output controI technology,superb sensitive VHF narrowband receiver and etc..
EDA, online simulation accessoriaI design and strict quality controI are applied to
ensure each system with excellent electronic function.
Desktop receiver and enhanced muting, high signal / noise ratio.
Almost zero noise output when standby.
Broad frequency response range, super low distortion.
No impact on switching receiver, ensure safety of rear stage amplifier system and
Perfect operative status signals, fluorescence display, with digital microphone.
Long practical distance. Over 30 m in ideaI circumstances; practical 20 m radius in
complex circumstances.
Dual frequency design. Be able to use two microphones at the same time without
mutuaI interference.
Applicable for medium& small stages, karaoke halls, and home entertainment etc.
1. Be sure to check whether the local voltage accord with operative voltage of the
microphone before using, make correct selection. (Wrong selection may lead to
burnout of the whole machine.)
2. Please don t o pen o r d ismantle th
e m
achine o n y our o wn. F or in ternaI re
pair, p lease
contact the locaI distributor or accepted service center.
3. When the machine will not be used for a long time, please pull the power plug out of
AC power socket.
Matters Needing Attention:
1. Please make sure to cut off the power before repairing or cleaning this machine.
2. The machine can be cleaned by soft cloth. To clean off stiff dirt, please use dry cloth
dipping with neutral wash; clean the machine with dry cloth then.
3. Please don t u se v olatile g asoline, d iluents o r o ther c hemicals fo r th e m achine b ody,
or the surface wilI be corrupted.
1. Power on/off switch
2. Power signal lamp
3. ChanneI A volume controI knob
4. ChanneI A signal lamp
5. ChanneI B signal lamp
6. ChanneI B volume controI knob
7. Charging indicator
8. Power input
9. ChanneI B antenna
10. Audio output jack
11. ChanneI A antenna