All material © 2010 Martin Audio Ltd. Subject to change without notice
The illustration below shows the Gain/Sensitivity screen. You can choose to set CH1, CH2 or both by
pushing "C1+2" button. The "+" and "-" buttons change the value of the gain. The values of gains permitted
are 26, 29, 32 and 35 dB. Martin Audio strongly recommends the use of the default 32dB setting as this is
the industry standard and is the basis for the limiter thresholds used in all Martin Audio loudspeaker
controllers and published speaker parameters.
Input select
You can choose between two different input modes (if available): Analog and Ethernet. The up and down
buttons change the selection; the "sel" button locks the selected option.
Max output voltage
The illustration below shows the Max output voltage screen. You can choose to set CH1, CH2 or both by
pushing "C1+2" button. The "+" and "-" buttons change the value of the max output peak voltage.
Max mains current
The Max mains current screen is shown below. The "+" and "-" buttons change the value of the max mains
current draw in the range from 15 to 32A.
Clip limiter CH1 - CH2
Enable this function to prevent distortion due to excessive amplitude of the output signal leading to a
“clipped” waveform. You can enable/disable it by pushing the on/off button.
CAUTION: There is the risk of damage to the loudspeakers if the Clip Limiters are deactivated. You
should not deactivate Clip Limiters unless their function is taken over by external devices, such as