4. Establish your Producers Account
1. On any device with a web browser navigate to
2. Select
“Producer Login”
3. Enter your
User Name and Password
to access your Producer Station/Channel Control Panel
4. The Control Panel will open to the “Producer Station – Listing” page where you can easily see the status of all the
producer stations on your account.
Depending on your account type, you will have a number of Channel Control Options. For this guide we will focus on the
Producer Station Control Menus and Functions, which are common to all account types.
We see the status of the PS-102 that was added to the account (PS410106) is OFFLINE.
The OFFLINE status will occur when the PS-102 is not connected to the StreamVu service. In this case we have just
made all of our signal connections and applied power to start the connection process.
*Note Limited Direct Accounts are limited to a single Producer Station.
5. Approximately 60 seconds after applying power, PS410106 will find the StreamVu service via the Internet and will
automatically begin the process of REGISTERING with the system.
All we have had to do to this point is Configure the video resolutions, make the appropriate connections, add the PS-102
to our account and power up. The hard part of getting the communication link up for our broadcast was automatically
performed by the PS-102.
Start Broadcasting