VMV-402-SH Manual
9.5 Select the Outputs Tab
At the bottom, click on the
Output Resolution.
pulldown window and select an output format and frame rate.
All incoming video sources will be converted to this choice.
Special Note:
When a UHD format is selected, it applies to the HDMI output only. The SDI output will
be 1080p at the same frame rate.
9.6 Other Settings on this Page
Vertical Flip:
Turn picture upside down
Reverse picture left & right
These two settings affect the entire output frame including Quad mode.
Video Shift:
Move output image Up/Down and Left/Right
Horizontal position may be moved in 200 increments. 100 is default center.
Vertical position maybe moved 100 increments. 50 is default center.
Click the Default button to reset both horizontal and vertical positions.
Brightness, Saturation and Contrast:
Adjust video settings to match a projector or other display.
These settings affect the entire output image including Quad Mode. Click the Default button to set all
three back to normal.
9.7 Quad Mode Settings
Clicking on the Labels tab brings all settings for Quad Mode onto one page.
The icons across the top of the page represent the 6 different available Quad Mode patterns. Simply
click on one of these to change the Quad pattern.
Each window in Quad Mode may have its own label. The labels may be independently set to one of six
locations within the window.
Labels may contain up to 14 characters, numbers and symbols. To create a new label simply type over
the existing label then click the Apply button.
If it is desired to have a clean “quad split” effect, all labels may be turned off by using the
Label: On/Off
buttons at the bottom of the page.