Local codes and conditions vary greatly from one area to another and must be complied with. The
following are the minimum requirements for good ventilation. Please remember that these are
general recommendations or guidelines and you may have a special condition or problem that will
require the services of a ventilation engineer or specialist.
Proper ventilation is the oven owner’s responsibility. Improper ventilation will inhibit
oven performance, such as the pilot going out or the burning of the bottom of pies.
Marsal & Sons, Inc. cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage suffered as a result
of improper installation.
Failure to properly vent the oven can be hazardous to the health of the
operator and may result in operational problems, unsatisfactory baking and possible
damage to the equipment.
Damage sustained as a direct result of improper ventilation will not be covered by
the Manufacturer’s warranty.
The ideal method of venting a gas oven is through the use of a properly designed ventilation hood
which extends 10” - 12” in front of the oven. The short stainless steel flue that is supplied with the
oven must be installed. Place the flue over the collar that is located on the top of the oven and
press down until it is firmly locked in place. The angle should face forward and always away from
any filters. A strong exhaust fan will create a vacuum in the room. For an exhaust system to work
properly, replacement air must be introduced into the room.
The hood should be sized to completely cover the equipment plus an overhang of at least 6”
(15 cm) on all sides not adjacent to a wall. The distance from the floor to the lower edge of
the hood should not exceed 7’ (2.1 m).
The capacity of the hood should be sized appropriately with provisions for an adequate
supply of make up air.
An unrestricted vent pipe that provides exit air at the oven of a minimum of 55 CFM per oven must
be provided for the vent pipe at the top of the oven. The vent pipe should be a minimum of 6” in
A draft diverter (or draft hood) must be installed for a direct vent connection system
in order to work properly. No more than two 90° elbows should ever be used in a direct vent