LEvEL left (1) – This controls the volume level of the left channel. In bridge mode this
is the master level.
LEvEL right (2) – This controls the volume level of the right channel. In bridge mode this
is disabled.
CLIP (3) (4) – The clip LED allows you to set the optimal gain level of your signal so
that you can avoid degradation of your signal quality. To find the optimal level back off
the MA 1000 power amp level so that the LED rarely turns on.
ALARM (5) (6) – The Alarm LED signals failure or protection of the power module. The
automatic short circuit protection detects problems and shuts down the amplifier before any
internal damage can be done.
LIMITER (7) (8) – This switch allows you to turn the limiter for each channel on and off.
BRIDgE (9) - This switch allows you to choose the BRIDGE mode, in which the MA 1000 power
amp operates as a mono unit sending 1000W to an 8 ohm load (Channel 2 becomes inoperable
when the Bridge mode is on). In the “bridged” position the LED will be “ON”. In “OFF”
position the unit operates as a normal stereo amplifier with 500 watts @ 4 ohms (or 300W/
channel @ 8 ohms) per channel or side.
ON/OFF (10) – This switch powers up the MA 1000 power amp; a LED on the right indicates
that the unit is on.
INPUT left (11) - This XLR input provides an input to the Left channel from the output of
your mixer, or the last device in your effects chain. This connection is also used as the
input connection when operating the MA 1000 power amp in Bridge mode.
INPUT right (12) - This XLR input provides an input to the Right channel from the output of
your mixer, or the last device in your effects chain. Use this input and the Left channel
balanced input when running in stereo. Please note that the Right input is inoperable in
Bridge mode.