Whenever you make a change to the configuration, you will see the following message:
You can press
whenever this message is displayed to get back to the configuration
Adding an IPG100 to the Network.
Connect Maretron’s Internet Protocol Gateway (IPG100) to the WiFi/Router using an Ethernet
Cable. The cable plugs into one of the blue Ethernet sockets at the back of the router. Reset
the IPG100 by removing the NMEA2000 cable and re-attaching it. This forces the IPG100 to
connect to this router, and removes previously allocated addresses.
Now we want to get the MAC address of the IPG100, so that we can reserve an IP Address for
it. Having a constant, reserved IP Address for the IPG100, makes it easy for N2KView
to find the IPG100 on the network. We will choose to use the address for the
Note that if you have more than one IPG100 or PC-based N2KServer
, then each one
must have a unique reserved address, but this is beyond the scope of these instructions, so
please contact Maretron Technical Support for assistance.
Inside the WiFi/Router is a DHCP Server, which is responsible for assigning IP addresses to
other network devices that request them. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration
The IPG100 on the network will be identified by the Client Name of IPG100_<serial number>.
Revision 1.0
Page 9
This Manual: http://www.manuallib.com/file/2601646