* If the
is selected, the User must set the number of the COM used to connect the device and
the ID number set on the device. When the RS485 is used and the User want connect several devices
then if important that all device have an unique ID otherwise some device can not working
Use the button “Check” to see all COM connected on the PC.
In order to use the RS485 connection for remotely controlling the LPP240A, need first set on the unit
the communication interface as RS485 and assign an ID to the unit.
To set the RS485 interface on the LPP240A the following steps have to be done:
1. press the “PM3/UTILITY” button on the front panel, for entering the “UTILITY MENU”
2. use the “PM1/ENTER” encoder for selecting the “Interface Utility” field
3. press the “PM1/ENTER” button, for entering the “Interface Setup” field
4. use the “PM2/ESC” encoder, for selecting the RS485 interface
5. use the “PM3/UTILITY” encoder, for selecting the RS485 interface's ID number
6. after operated the selection, press the “PM2/ESC” button the necessary times for moving back
on the several fields up to the default screen, showing “LPP80A” and the current loaded preset