PC2300 Operations Manual
PC2300 Operations Manual
___ 66
AFUDOS command for system BIOS update
AFUDOS.exe is aforementioned AMI firmware update utility; the command line is shown as
AFUDOS <ROM File Name>
[option1] [option2]…
You can type AFUDOS /? to see all the definition of each control options. The recommended
options for BIOS ROM update consist of following parameters:
/P: program main BIOS image
/B: program Boot Block
/N: program NVRAM
/X: don’t check ROM ID
BIOS update procedure
1. Use the bootable USB device to boot up system into the MS-DOS command prompt
2. Type in AFUDOS 620x0Pxx.bin /p /b /n /x and press enter to start the flash procedure
means the BIOS revision part, ex. 0Px1…
3. During the update procedure, you will see the BIOS update process status and its
Do not turn off system power or reset your computer if the whole
procedure are not complete yet, or it may crash the BIOS ROM and make system
unable to boot up next time.
4. After BIOS update procedures is complete, the messages from AFUDOS utility should be
like the figure shown below.
5. You can restart the system and boot up with new BIOS now
6. Update is complete after restart