The Destiny v2 control panel provides all you need to effectively control the synthesizer. Here, you will find
a noise source selector, test tone facility, duophony mode selector facilities to load and save patches,
a second LFO and more. Please note that apart from the patch memory menus, all controls in this section save
with the patch, including Master-Tune and Test-Tone controls.
The Destiny v2 features portamento.
Controls pitch bend range, from 0 to 1 octave each way.
17 Control Panel
(1) Noise Source Selector: selects between white and pink noise, as described in
the mixer section of the user guide.
(2) Test Tone: Use this to check that the Destiny is correctly set up within your
host software. If pressing keys does not yield a sound but the Test Tone can be
heard, then the chances are that the Destiny’s midi input is not configured
correctly. The test tone emits a pitch of middle C ʹ. You can thus check that the
Destiny’s tuning is correct.
(3) Monophonic / Duophonic selector ʹ switches between monophonic (1 voice, 2
VCOs) and duo-phonic operation (2 voices, 1 VCO each - reverts to 2 VCOs if only
one note is being played).
(4) Legato/re-trigger ʹ when set to re-trigger, this re-triggers the envelopes every
time a new key is depressed, even if the last key is still being held down. This is
not applicable when in duo-phonic mode.
Note that vintage analog synthesizers often did not have this option; it can be of
great help , but can lead to audible ‘clicking’ when very extreme filtering is
( 7 ) Transpose
Use this to set the octave range of the Destiny v2 (finer pitch adjustments must be carried out using the
oscillator pitch sliders. +/- 2 Octaves.
Vibrato LFO (LFO 2)
This is designed to provide vibrato (pitch oscillation ) while freeing up the Destiny’s main LFO for other
purposes. It can only produce a sine wave.
The speed is determined by slider (8) while the intensity is determined by
Modulation Wheel
factored by the sensitivity knob (9).