Installation Instructions
Specifi cations are subject to change without notice
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Distributed by Simx Limited
Through Roof Fan Cowls and Fan Kits
PUB0334 2008
Drill a hole on the fl at, round indent at
the bottom of the tube to pass cable from
inside the tube.
Reseal hole around the cable as required.
Bring the cable up to the top from inside
the tube.
Rest the cable on the groove on the edge
of the lip, and gently place the cowl onto
the top of the tube.
Alternatively, use the small roof fl ashing to
run the cable through the roof panels at a
suitable location.
If required, cut all the way down the
fl ashing to pass cable through
Crimp metal clips onto the lip of the
fl ashing to reseal.
Fit the small roof fl ashing in the similar
fashion to the large one.
Place the fan (or cowl) onto the top of the
The airfl ow direction can be reversed
depending on whether it is required to
extract or supply, air comes out from the
fan, as indicated (9) directional arrow is
Secure the fan onto the tube using the
screws provided.
Place the cowl onto the fan housing, and
secure using the 5 long screws provided.