Step Seven:
Insert foundation by putting it into the bot
tom groove and gently pushing it into the top
groove. Replace wedge and nail it in.
Step Eight:
Embed wire into foundation using a spur wire embed
der. Run the embedder over the wire so it embeds
into the foundation.
Embed Wire
Pound Nail
Into Frame
Step Five:
Cut the wire from the spool, then cut off any
excess wire so it is short around the nail.
Cut Wire
Step Six:
Pound the nail into the frame.
Step Four:
Wrap the loose
end around the
nail in the end bar.
Tighten the wire by
turning the spool
with one hand and
pulling on the slack.
While keeping your
wire tight, wrap the
wire from the spool
around the nail in
the end bar.
Wrap Around
Wrap Around
Step Three:
Thread wire through the holes, back and forth.
(You can string it through as many holes as you
Thread Down To
Next Hole
Thread Back
and Forth