monkey jump
• MM00125
maintenance instructions
1. TUBE MAINTENANCE: In order to insure a great bounce, please make sure the inner tube is full. It will require
adding additional air from time to time. Please be aware, the lifespan of the inner tube will be determined by
several factors. Direct sunlight, over inflation of the tube, sharp objects, and other misuses will increase the
chances of a blown inner tube. The pole assembly is powder coated and will hold its color for years to come.
Replacement parts can be ordered by contacting M&M Sales Enterprises, Inc. 1-877-242-0154.
2. BEFORE EACH USE: Inner tube should be visually inspected for proper inflation and any signs of visible
damage that might cause it to pop during use. Avoid using any objects that might cause damage to the inner
tube during play.
3. At the BEGINNING of each play season: Tighten all hardware • Check all protective coverings on bolts, pipes,
edges, and corners • Replace if they are loose, cracked, or missing • Check all moving parts including poles,
hardware, and tube for wear, rust, or other deterioration. Replace as needed • Check all metal parts for rust. If
found, sand and repaint using a non-lead based paint meeting the requirements of 16 CFR 1303 • Rake and
check depth of loose fill protective surfacing materials to prevent compaction and to maintain appropriate
depth. Replace as necessary.
4. TWICE A MONTH during play season: Tighten all hardware • Check all protective coverings on bolts, pipes,
edges, and corners. Replace if they are loose, cracked, or missing • Rake and check depth of loose fill
protective surfacing materials to prevent compaction and to maintain appropriate depth. Replace as necessary.
5. ONCE A MONTH during play season: Check all moving parts including poles, hardware, and tube for wear,
rust, or other deterioration. Replace as needed.
6. AT THE END of each play season or when the temperature drops below 32°F: Take product inside for indoor
use • Rake and check depth of loose fill protective surfacing materials to prevent compaction and to maintain
appropriate depth. Replace as necessary.
7. Owners shall be responsible for maintaining the legibility of the warning labels.
8. When you are ready to dispose of the product, make sure that all components are disposed of in accordance
with local waste ordinances. Disassemble and dispose of the playground equipment in such a way that no
unreasonable hazards will exist at the time the playground equipment is discarded.
Failure to carry out these checks and inspections could result in fall, head injury, or death due to
falls from equipment placed over hard surfaces or misuse of product.
join our m ission to in spire c hil dren
to get up, get out, an d pl ay!
adv entures
i n spi r i n g
M&M Sales enterprises, Inc.
Dubuque, Iowa 877.242.0154
ASSEMBLY • operation • maintenance • safety
To reduce the likelihood of injury please follow the guidelines as outlined in this instructions. You can visit our website
www.mandmsalesinc.om to review the instruction manual in the future or keep this instruction sheet for reference:
Monkey Jump MM00125.
The installation instructions above are reflective of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Outdoor
Playground Safety Handbook. For a complete description of installation instructions and warnings for outdoor
playground equipment you can visit our website at www.mandmsalesinc.com to link to the current CPSC handbook
and review in its entirety.
Our products are tested to ensure safety and compliance with Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
(CPSIA) including specifications for lead paint and phthalates and ASTM International F1148 Standard Consumer
Safety Performance Specifications.