6. Now fit the cross members (5) up against the solebar and truss assay, three on each side.
Photo 5.
7. Fit the two inner solebars (3) between the buffer beams and up against the cross members.
8. Next take the end braces (14) trim the long pair to match the short pair, fold to L shape and fit
up against buffer beam and inner solebars.
Photo 6.
(note:- these may have to have some
metal removed from the top edge to clear wheel sets, best done for position when the bogies
are fitted.
9. Take the two truss cross braces (8), trim to length, fold to L shape and fit between Trusses.
Photo 7
10. Next take the inner trusses (6), fold to shape and fit these up against the outside face of the
inner solebars. Or if you prefer you can build these from the individual parts (6a) and (6b). To
finish make some short lengths of L section from unused truss parts to go between the inner
trusses and inner solebars.
Photo 8
11. Take the bogie mount plate (9), trim 4mm of the length on each side. Open out hole to clear
6BA bolt (2,7mm) or M3, now solder a 6BA or M3 nut over hole on the side with the half etched
lines. Bend to shape and fit over inner solebars and up again
st outer sole bars, spaced at 35’6”
centres (248.5mm). Or (33.5mm) in from outside of buffer beams.
Photo 8
12. Take 4 V hangers (10) fit two at r/h end behind solebar but outside of the outer truss with the
end leg 85mm from buffer beam and the other two to the outside face of the near side inner
Photo 9
13. Now fit the remaining V hangers (10), fit hangers to inside face of outer solebar up against the
truss post and to the inside face of the far side inner solebar.
Photo 9
14. Now take the long brake X shaft (DW-82A), These then fit between the inner V hangers
together with the vacuum cylinder (DW-29).
Photo 10
15. Next fit the short X shafts (DW-83) and link (DW-86) between the outer V hangers.
Photo 11
Add wire from the long X shaft to the bogie mount plate.
Photo 12
. Repeat at other end.
16. Take brake pin down bars (11), fold to shape and fit to solebars 68mm from buffer beam. Next
take the brake handles (12) and bend to shape, these fit from the outer V hanger to the brake
pin down bar.
Photo 13
17. Add buffer beam detail, buffers, coupling hook and back plate, lamp bracket and vac pipes.
18. Now fit the solebar and body side detail, wagon plate, load clip, shackles and bolster pockets.
Photo 14
19. Bolsters, take etched parts (13) and bend to from shallow U shape. Take two of part (13) and
solder back to back, these then fit to the under side of the cast bolsters DW-81(you may have to
trim the top corners of part (13) to fit snugly into the cast bolster.
Photo 15.
Now fit the
completed bolsters to the wagon floor, the pegs go into the cast side pockets in the desired
Photo 15
20. Bogies, take the side frames (DW-94) drill out to take your chosen axle bushes, you can fit a
M2.5 washer (not supplied) under the flange of the top hat bush, this will take up most of the
axle end float. Take bogie bolsters (DW-79) and remove pips from inside of ends.If you require
compensation, cone out the centre hole just enough so that the screw head (see21 ) will not
pass thru. A small countersink bit is the ideal tool for the job.