4.3.3 Limitations
The larger the number of buried subjects, the more
difficult and time-consuming the exact analysis of
the situation gets, because of overlapping signals.
The more signals there are, the longer the signal
overlaps can last. The capability to automatically
detect and isolate signals from multiple buried sub-
jects is therefore limited.
The +symbol indicates that signals are received from
additional buried subjects that cannot be isolated
and entered in the list of buried subjects yet. Turn off
the transceivers of the buried subjects already found
as soon as possible to simplify the isolation of the
remaining signals.
Search Suspension / “Stand still!”
During the search for multiple subjects, signals may
overlap making it impossible to analyze the signal
of a single buried subject. If the signal overlap lasts
several seconds, the rescuer has to interrupt the
process temporarily to avoid deviating from the
optimal search path. The Barryvox
will indicate
the necessity to suspend (max. 15 seconds) the
search by displaying the word «Stop». Stand still,
and do not move until the word «Stop» disappears,
at which time you can continue to search.
Search With Multiple Rescuers
When the search is conducted with multiple res-
cues searching at the same time, it should be
avoided that several rescuers search for the same
buried subject.
Situation 1: Two rescuers receive two buried sub-
jects. One rescuer continues the search for the
buried subject closest to him, the other rescuer
should directly search for the second buried sub-
ject, without having to mark the first one. The
search is therefore continued on the current signal
search pattern until the transceiver obviously leads
to a different buried subject.
Situation 2: The two rescuers only receive one
buried subject. One rescuer continues the search
for the buried subject closest to him, the other res-
cuer should search the remaining of the avalanche
for more buried subjects. The search is therefore
continued on the current signal search pattern until
the transceiver obviously leads to a different buried