Controlling the Heater
You can change the heater’s current mode by tapping the mode buttons. You can adjust
the mode’s temperature using the + and – buttons when you’re on that mode.
Scheduling your Heating
You can program your heating by creating a schedule of “events”, where the heater
switches on or off. These events can be temporary, like setting a timer, or they can be
recurring, so the heater switches on at the same time every week. You can set an unlimited
number of events, switching the heater on and off across the week.
For every event, you must set a start time. Then, choose whether you want it to repeat.
Select “Only Once” if you just want to set a timer for now. If you want the event to repeat,
select which days you want it to occur. Finally, choose whether you want the heater to
switch on or off. Make sure you confirm your settings at every stage and press save to
keep the event.
Each event will appear in your schedule. You can activate and de-activate events using the
toggle. You can also delete events by swiping left and tapping Delete.