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Manufacturer: MALOW Sp. z o. o., St. Wojska Polskiego 114A, 16-
400 Suwałki, Poland
6. Before lock the doors check if inside there are no animals and unnecessary
Lithium-ion batteries in high temperatures can explode and cause a fire.
The locker can heat up from connected computers.
9. Maintenance or service of the locker make with disconnected power supply. Do
not use strongly caustic detergents for clearing the locker. Clean locker with dry
or damp cloth.
10. Before moving trolley disconnect connection cable, check interior is empty, all
doors closed and released brakes (pos. 8). Place it on an even floor and engage
the brakes.
11. Connection cable connect to the power strip equipped with overload/short-circuit
protection and residual-current device with a tripping current of 30mA or less. Do
not use extension cord or socket distributor.
12. Do not expose the trolley to weather conditions (like rain, sun, etc.). The locker is
designed to function in dry and ventilated room.
13. Max. Load per shelf is 10 kg.
14. During charging systematically control the condition of battery.
15. Worn out trolley should be safely dismantled and disposed of.
Technical data:
1. USB Charger (32 USB sockets: 5 VDC, 1800 mA) pos. 4
– 1 pc. – technical data
of charger include
„ instruction manual of LO32 charger”,
2. Electric socket pos. 2
– 1 pc. – schuco IP44 230V 16A for charging one laptop,
3. Cable holder pos. 5
– 1 pc. – holder for winding the power cord
4. Foam inset pos. 3
– 2 pcs. – inset made of non-flammable foam allowing to
keeping 32 tablets (maximum dimensions of one tablet 10mm x 205mm x
~12,2’’), max. load per foam shelf is 15 kg,
5. Power cord pos. 7
– 1 pc. – connection cable with UNI-SCHUKO / IEC C13 V-
lock plugs.