Sport Boat Owner’s Manual
Safety Equipment
Federal and local laws require certain safety equipment to be on board at all times.
In addition, responsible boaters carry other equipment in case of emergency.
Check with local boating authorities for any additional requirements over and
above federal requirements.
When boarding the boat, always step in. Do not jump. Avoid stepping on Þber-
glass or other potentially slippery surfaces. Board one person at a time.
Do not board the boat while carrying gear. Set gear on the dock, board the boat
and then pick-up the gear.
Boat Loading
The performance of your boat is dependent on load weight and distribution. Pas-
sengers should board one at a time and should distribute themselves to maintain
trim. Remember to distribute weight from right to left, and also from front to
All passengers should be carefully seated and not be riding on the deck,
gunwale, rear sun deck, or elevated pedestal Þshing seats while under-
way. Passengers riding in the bow rider seats should exercise extreme
caution. During rough water operation, passengers in the bow rider
seats should move to the aft passenger seats.
Do not allow your passengers to ride with their feet dangling over the side,
ßoating debris can cause serious injury.
Avoid excess weight in the bow or stern.
Securely stow all extra gear in stowage areas to prevent load shifting. Do not
stow gear on top of safety equipment; safety equipment must be quickly
In adverse weather, reduce the load in the boat. People/load capacity ratings
are based upon normal boating conditions.
Do not use the engine unit as a boarding ramp. Make sure engine is off when
swimmers, divers, and skiers are boarding to prevent injury.
Boats less than 6.4 m (20 ft.) are required by the USCG to have a certiÞcation
plate, attached to the hull near the transom, indicating maximum person/load
capacity. The person/load capacity is determined by various USCG formulas.
Actual capacity is determined by the availability of proper seating on the boat.
Acceptable seating determines the number of passengers, not the overall load
The capacity plate for outboard powered boats lists the maximum
horsepower that the boat can safely use. It is unlawful to overpower a