spring preload after the spring deflection. The
spring preload has no influence on the spring
Turning the knurled nut downward increases the
spring preload, and turning it upward relieves the
Less spring preloading allows the chassis to
sink lower under its own weight, and the
ground clearance decreases.
Greater preloading raises the chassis.
The less even the ground, the higher the
ground clearance should be selected on both
axles so as to prevent the chassis from ma-
king contact.
High ground clearance on both axles makes
the model tilt to the side to a great degree,
bringing about sharper weight-transfer reac-
Low ground clearance on the front axle produces more agile turning of the vehicle.
Angle of attack
The spring elements can be readjusted to different articulation points either at the top, on the shock absorber
bridge, or on the lower wishbone. This is another way in which the model can also be put in a higher/lower po-
sition. Readjusting the shock absorbers like this, however, also changes the angle at which the force is introduced
into the shock absorbers. As a result, the response characteristic of the absorption is influenced.
With an acute angle of attack, the chassis has to deflect deeper before the absorption responds. That means
the suspension first responds with less resistance, becoming increasingly more resistant. The term used is
greater „progressivity“. If by way of illustration you assume the most extreme case, when the shock absorber
is perpendicular to the direction of flexion (= most acute angle of attack, 0°) by the wheel, no force will be
conducted, and the shock absorber will remain without effect.
With a steeper angle of attack, the progressivity is correspondingly lower, i.e. the relative perpendicular mo-
vement of the chassis is introduced more directly into the suspension, and the absorption effect takes effect
earlier. In the most extreme case, when the shock absorber is parallel to the direction of flexion (= most acute
angle of attack, 90°) of the wheel, the force is introduced directly, and the shock absorber immediately displays
its full effect.
The spring preloading and fastening points for the shock absorbers of one axle have
to be adjusted identically on the right and left.
MALI CARS MANUAL 2013 V2.indd 33
19/03/13 14:35