Alarms cure by speeding up the natural process
Malem Medical, 10 Willow Holt, Lowdham
Nottingham NG14 7EJ, England, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)115 966 4440 Fax: + 44 (0)115 966 4672
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: Web:
FCC Certified.
© Malem Medical 2009
Malem Enuresis Wireless
Alarm Instruction Booklet
Best Results are obtained when:
1. Child is motivated and wants to be dry.
2. Child wakes up to the alarm when activated.
3. Parents/Guardians help to wake up the
child when the alarm sounds especially
at the early stages of treatment.
4. The receiver must be in the same room with the
child so that the child can wake up and reset it.
5. No lifting, no nappies and no withholding fluids.
Please read instruction booklet before use