Switch action
Before installing the battery car-
tridge into the tool, always check to see that the
switch trigger actuates properly and returns to
the " OFF" position when released.
T o start th e tool, simply pull th e sw itc h trigger. R elease
th e sw itc h trigger to stop.
S w itc h trigger
F or approx imately one sec ond af ter f astening,
th e tool d oes not w ork ev en w ith th e sw itc h pulled .
Reversing switch action
R ev ersing sw itc h lev er
Always check the direction of
rotation before operation.
Use the reversing switch only after
the tool comes to a complete stop.
C h anging th e
d irec tion of rotation bef ore th e tool stops may d am-
age th e tool.
When not operating the tool,
always set the reversing switch lever to the neu-
tral position.
T h is tool h as a rev ersing sw itc h to c h ange th e d irec tion
of rotation. D epress th e rev ersing sw itc h lev er f rom th e
A sid e f or c loc kw ise rotation or f rom th e B sid e f or c oun-
terc loc kw ise rotation.
W h en th e rev ersing sw itc h lev er is in th e neutral posi-
tion, th e sw itc h trigger c annot be pulled .
Lighting up the front lamp
L amp
Do not look in the light or see the
source of light directly.
P ull th e sw itc h trigger to ligh t up th e lamp. T h e lamp
keeps on ligh ting w h ile th e sw itc h trigger is being pulled .
T h e lamp goes out approx imately 1 0 sec ond s af ter
releasing th e sw itc h trigger.
U se a d ry c loth to w ipe th e d irt of f th e lens of
th e lamp. Be c aref ul not to sc ratc h th e lens of lamp, or
it may low er th e illumination.
LED indicator / Beeper
L ED ind ic ator
L ED ind ic ator / Beeper on th e tool sh ow s th e f ollow ing f unc tions.
Status of the tool
Status of the LED indicator/beeper
Action to be taken
LED indicator
A uto-stop w ith f astening
c ompletion
T h e preset f asten-
ing torq ue h as been
ac h iev ed and th e tool
h as stopped .
L igh ts up in green f or
approx imately one
sec ond .
Alarm against insuffi
c ient f astening
T h e preset f astening torq ue
h as not been ac h iev ed ,
bec ause th e sw itc h trigger
h as released bef ore c om-
pleting th e f astening.
L igh ts up in red .
A long beep
R etigh ten th e sc rew .
A larm f or low battery
c apac ity
T h e battery pow er
bec ame low and it is
time to replac e th e
battery c artrid ge.
F lic kers in red slow ly .
A series of long beeps
R eplac e th e battery w ith
f ully c h arged one.
A uto-stop w ith low
remaining battery
c apac ity
T h e battery pow er is
almost used up and th e
tool stopped .
L igh ts up in red .
A long beep
R eplac e th e battery w ith
f ully c h arged one.
C h ec k of th e L ED ind i-
c ator, ligh t and beeper
W h en th e battery c ar-
trid ge is installed , th e tool
c h ec ks f or its L ED ind ic a-
tor, ligh t and beeper.
Lights up first in green,
nex t red .
( A nd th en th e ligh t
c omes on.)
A series of v ery sh ort
A nti-reset of c ontroller
T h e battery v oltage d ropped
abnormally f or some reason,
and th e tool stopped .
F lic kers in red and green
alternativ ely .
A series of sh ort beeps
R eplac e th e battery w ith
f ully c h arged one.
O v erh eat protec tion
T ool' s c ontroller h eated
up abnormally and th e
tool stopped .
F lic kers in red q uic kly .
A series of sh ort beeps
R emov e th e battery c ar-
trid ge immed iately and
c ool th e tool d ow n.
D etec tion of sw itc h
trigger operation w h en
installing battery
W h en th e battery c artrid ge
is installed w ith th e sw itc h
trigger pulled , th e tool stops
to av oid unintentional start.
F lic kers in red and green
alternativ ely .
A series of sh ort beeps
R elease th e sw itc h
Содержание DFL020F
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