13. Now, we’re ready to import a model. From Part 1, you
learned that .STL files are the best for 3D printing. Import a
.STL file by clicking “File” > “Open File” or the folder in the
top left. You can create a . STL file or use one from the USB
drive that was included with your printer.
14. Now we can modify our model for printing! Click on your STL file and the left modification
menu will appear. You can move (move the model to another place), scale (change the size), or
rotate (to rotate the flattest side on the build surface) with the menu options.
Drew’s Note: These features are also coming very soon to the 300x onboard slicer!
This work is licensed under the creative commons Attribution
Non commercial-no Derivatives 4.0 International license.
Last Updated 12.23.2020
Version v1.1