the camera, open the player video and use the r
ecorder to sounds and player audio.
Each function has different settings that can
be configured via the Options submenu . Use the
buttons for navigation to customize the settings.
The player audio allows to play files audio prese
nt in
the card micro SD. During the playback you can i
ncrease /
decrease the volume with the keys * and #. Thro
ugh the keys navigation right and left it
is possibleto change song. By
choosing Options you can customize the playbac
k settings .
A once you start the camera press the
button of "8" for taking a photograph. Through th
e options it is possible
to customize some settings of the camera.
NOTE: The phone has a quantity limited to mem
ory inside that allows the rescue of small images.
In case it were necessary
to take many photographs to
the highest quality available we recommend the