Company information
mental impact on people and the environment
and allows valuable raw materials to be reused
with the least amount of environmental impact.
Do not dispose of the following
components in household waste!
Old devices, wearing parts (e.g. air fil-
ter), defective components, electrical
and electronic scrap, environmentally
hazardous liquids/oils, etc. Dispose of
them in an environmentally friendly
manner and recycle them at the ap-
propriate collection points (→ Waste
Management Act).
1. Separate the components according to mater-
ial groups.
2. Dispose of packaging materials (cardboard,
filling materials, plastics) via appropriate re-
cycling systems or recycling centres.
3. Observe the respective country-specific and
local regulations.
Company information
© Maico Elektroapparate-Fabrik GmbH.
lation of the original operating instructions. Mis-
prints, errors and technical changes are reserved.
The brands, brand names and protected trade
marks that are referred to in this document refer
to their owners or their products.