Optional Adapters
Optional Adapters
The following adapters are available for purchase to
allow better support at the bottom of the transmission.
#45 Adapter kit
Fig. 8: #45 adapter kit
Set of 4 ratcheting adapters stabilizes the irregular-
shaped transmission pans allowing one-person removal
and installation.
#90 Adapter kit
Fig. 9: #90 adapter kit - For use with 4L80E units
Designed for the vehicles where the exhaust passes right
next to the transmission pan prohibiting easy removal of
this transmission.
4T80E Adapter
Fig. 10: 4T80E adapter - Northstar® adapter
Stabilizes 4T80E transmissions with only one technician
by connecting to the side of the transmission in the
provided bolt hole pattern.
All purpose adapter kit
Fig. 11: All purpose adapter kit
Enables easy removal of transmission and transfer case
as one unit. Also allows easy removal of front wheel drive